Continuing with T-Mobile HotSpot @Home Service
I have found a problem with the phone book on the handset. As I have written about before, I had some difficulties in synchronizing the contacts from the web site to the handset. I have discovered that none of the telephone numbers transfer from the site to the telephone. The problem appears to be a mapping issue. The site offers phone numbers such as Work 1, Work 2, Mobile 1, etc. The handset only has the fields of Work, Mobile, Home, etc. Since none of these match up then the numbers are unable to transfer to the handset. One bright spot is that any numbers entered into the Samsung handset do transfer to the online database.
We are going to begin using the one other handset that is available for the HotSpot @Home service, the Nokia 6086. This handset is a bit larger than the Samsung T409, but it offers a music player, expandable memory, and an integrated FM radio.
I will keep you up-to-date if any other issues that develop as well as how the Nokia handsets function. If you are interested in using this or other T-Mobile services be sure to contact my corporate representative. I am unsure if he will do so for anyone, but he did waive the activation fee for our service. Here is Richard’s contact information…
T–Mobile USA
Business Account Executive
4640 East Colonial Drive l Orlando, FL 32803
MOBILE: 407.970.0203 l FAX: 407.264.8779 l
Business Care: 1.800.375.1126